Assignment #3 - Size matters: small subgroups

Deadline: 17.12.2024 23:59:59 Brno time
Points: 10 points
Responsible contact: Vojtech Suchánek <>


As you know from the lecture, the Diffie-Hellman key exchange scheme allows two parties to securely establish a shared secret. Currently, the most popular variant of this scheme is the elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) which is based on the group of points of an elliptic curve. Recall that an elliptic curve is the set of solutions $(x,y)$, called points, of an equation $y^2=x^3+ax+b$ for $x,y \in \mathbb{F}_p$. This set forms a group with the operation $P+Q$ for any two points $P$, $Q$, as defined in the lecture (we use the additive notation for the group operation). For cryptographic applications, for any two points $P$ and $k\cdot P $ it should be unfeasible to compute the scalar $k$ (the discrete logarithm problem).

We will consider the following version of ECDH between server and a client on a group of points with a generator $G$:

  1. Server randomly samples a private scalar $k \in \{1,\dots,|G|-1\}$ and computes his public key as $P = k \cdot G$. Server then sends $P$ to the client.
  2. Client randomly samples a private scalar $l \in \{1,\dots,|G|-1\}$ and computes his public key as $Q = l \cdot G$. Client then sends $Q$ to the server.
  3. Server computes $k\cdot Q = S$. The shared secret is then the hash SHA-256($x|y$), where $S = (x,y)$ and $|$ denotes concatenation.
  4. Client computes $l\cdot P = S$. The shared secret is then, again, the hash SHA-256($x|y$) where $S = (x,y)$.

The shared secret can thereafter be used, for example, as a symmetric key for encryption.


Petr has decided to implement ECDH on his server and selected the elliptic curve $ y^2=x^3+ax+b$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$, where $$ \begin{align*} p &= \mathtt{0x586be5268256ae12d62631efc2784d02dcff420d262da9cd94c62d5808bee24d},\\ a &= \mathtt{0x45f1cdae7af39607fe50b9d51661908139070320393d2c393fe6f2dc6b6ceb75},\\ b &= \mathtt{0x0}. \end{align*} $$

The neutral element in the group of points is represented as $(0,1)$. The curve has the number of points equal to $N=n_1\cdot n_2$, where $n_2$ is a prime and $$ \begin{align*} n_1 &= 940258296925944608662895221235664431210, \\ n_2 &= 42535295865117307932921825928971027169. \end{align*} $$

Petr heard that groups in cryptographic applications should have number of elements equal to prime and so he decided to only use the subgroup of points of size $n_2$. He figured that this will be more efficient anyway. For his ECDH implementation, Petr picked a point $G = (x_G, y_G)$ of order $n_2$ where $$ x_G = \mathtt{0x2b58947b361fe7fed0d059da0c99483b1085a9b75b13ca65d2e6ee2919e9967},\\ y_G = \mathtt{0x2f50b39c4a1573511b08ca9505f234a13e215b3c213197633cb8eb7a2f5fd818}. $$ Petr then randomly generated a private scalar $k \in \{1,\dots,n_2\}$ and a corresponding public key $P=k\cdot G$. He implemented on his server a function $\text{ECDH}_{\text{Petr}}$ which, given a point $Q$ on the curve, outputs SHA-256($x|y$), where $(x,y)=k\cdot Q$. In real life scenario, the shared secret should not be revealed at the end, but rather used for further operations like key derivation and symmetric key encryption (whose output then might be revealed). In this homework, we will settle with this simplification.

Diagram of $\text{ECDH}_{\text{Petr}}$.
Diagram of $\text{ECDH}_{\text{Petr}}$.

You can find a copy of an implementation of elliptic curve operations and the ECDH scheme running on Petr's server in You might find useful, among others, an implementation of point addition (ec.add), scalar multiplication (ec.rtl), or the compression function (ec.compress).


Petr wrote the provided implementation in for his purposes only. While it correctly implements the computation specified above, it is not correct to re-use it for more general elliptic-curve computations. We recommend to use a foolproof implementation of elliptic curve arithmetic from the computer algebra software Sagemath (see the documentation). The following is an example of a basic usage of Sagemath for ECC.

from sage.all import *

Fp = GF(13590256669019655763)
a,b = 8440144734531749845,6555503898170400986
E = EllipticCurve(Fp,[a,b])
n = E.order()
G = E(4631243722373859192, 12742715404725835811)
k = randint(1,n) # Unknown private key
P = k*G # Known public key

Task 1 (7 points)

Your goal is to determine Petr's secret scalar $k$ given access to $\text{ECDH}_{\text{Petr}}$ running on his server. In order to do this, you should implement the so-called small subgroup attack (see the general explanation below). The task is divided into three subtasks:

  1. Find a generator of Petr's elliptic curve (i.e., a point of order $N=n_1\cdot n_2$). You might find Chapter 4 of the Handbook of Applied Cryptography helpful (see course webpage for a link) or you can use an appropriate function in Sagemath. (1 point)
  2. Implement the small subgroup attack and provide a short description of your attack (5 points). Focus on the differences between the general small subgroup attack and the attack in our scenario in your description. In particular, describe the condition that allows you to recover $k$ from the knowledge of its modulus.
  3. In the description of your attack, justify why the following implication from the small subgroup attack holds: if $P_q = k\cdot G_q$ then $k=k_q \pmod q$ (1 point) .
Small subgroup attack

Let $E:y^2 = x^3+ax+b$ be an elliptic curve over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_p$ with a generator $G$. Assume that $E$ has an order $n$ divisible by a small prime $q$. Suppose that we are given a point $P$ which satisfies $P=k\cdot G$ for some secret $k\in \{1,\dots,n\}$. Small subgroup attacks recovers $k \pmod q$.

Denote $n_q = \frac{n}{q}$, $G_q = n_q \cdot G$ and $P_q = n_q \cdot P$. Point $G$ has order $n$, and the order of $P$ divides $n$. Since $q$ is a prime, the order of $G_q$ is q, and the order of $P_q$ is $q$ or $1$. It follows that the discrete logarithm $k_q$ of $P_q$ with respect to $G_q$ is an element of $\{1\dots,q\}$. We know that $P_q = k\cdot G_q$, which implies $k = k_q \pmod q$. In particular, if we can find $k_q$ (e.g. by brute-force) we can find $k \pmod q$.

Suppose that we have figured out $k \pmod {q_i}$ for several small primes $q_i$ dividing $n$. Then we can apply the Chinese remainder theorem to get $k \pmod{\prod q_i}$. Under certain conditions, which hold in our setting, this can be used to recover $k$.

Task 2 (3 points)

Petr found out about the small subgroup attack and implemented a small check to $\text{ECDH}_{\text{Petr}}$ from the safecurves website:

Diagram of Petr's fixed ECDH.
Diagram of Petr's fixed $\text{ECDH}_{\text{Petr}}$.

However, the recommended countermeasure does not work in this case. Your goal is, again, to determine Petr's secret scalar $k$ using an appropriate modification of the small subgroup attack and provide a short description of your attack (3 points).

Hint: You have to use Petr's public point $P$.


There are several API functions available. You will be using functions Pubkey (easy) and ECDH (easy) for Task 1 and functions Pubkey (hard) and ECDH (hard) for Task 2.

Pubkey (easy)

Get Petr's public key.

Path: /hw03/easy/pubkey/<uco>/
Method: GET

JSON dictionary with two keys: "x" and "y", containing the coordinates of Petr's public key in hexadecimal.

ECDH (easy)

Perform ECDH key exchange.

Path: /hw03/easy/ecdh/<uco>/
Method: POST
Body: JSON (application/json) dictionary with two keys: "x" and "y" containing the coordinates of your chosen public key $Q$ in hexadecimal.

JSON dictionary with one key: "secret" containing the shared Diffie-Hellman secret in hexadecimal (i.e. the result of $\text{ECDH}_{\text{Petr}}$).

Pubkey (hard)

Get Petr's public key.

Path: /hw03/hard/pubkey/<uco>/
Method: GET

JSON dictionary with two keys: "x" and "y", containing the coordinates of Petr's public key in hexadecimal.

ECDH (hard)

Perform ECDH key exchange.

Path: /hw03/hard/ecdh/<uco>/
Method: POST
Body: JSON (application/json) dictionary with two keys: "x" and "y" containing the coordinates of your chosen public key $Q$ in hexadecimal.

JSON dictionary with one key: "secret" containing the shared Diffie-Hellman secret in hexadecimal (i.e. the result of the fixed $\text{ECDH}_{\text{Petr}}$), or an error if the check did not pass.


You should submit a zip-file containing three things:


Not conforming to the above format of the solution leads to a -0.5 point penalty.